The first numeric key code is always at the end furthest away from the tip of the slim key. You must keep following points in your mind, before you start decoding Tibbe key code. You will see a slim rib on each side of the key, search for the cuts on the tip of the rib. Let us learn how to find key code of any Tibbe key from an emergency locksmith in San Diego, CA.Ī Tibbe key code consist of 8 numbers, each representing the angle of cut. A full Tibbe key code is a set of eight number code and may look like 2-1-2-3-3-1-2-3. Each of these cut angles are given a corresponding number code for their angle of cut, 1 for the flat cut, 2 for the medium cut and 3 for the full cut. There are three types of cut angles, flat, medium or full. These cut angle key codes are located near the tip. The Tibbe key is based on a specific key code which is derived on the basis of three different cut angles of eight ridge on the lock rim. Tibbe keys are high security keys used in motor vehicles introduced by Ford Motors in 1982. Let’s learn about how Ford car’s Tibbe keys work.ĭo you want to understand your car’s Tibbe key code? With new cars and locks entering the market even year, you always have something new to learn. You can start as a mobile locksmith service provider. If you enjoy learning how things work, automotive locksmithing is a fantastic profession.